
Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Crapweasel gets caught 

The New Republic slams John Kerry:

...to suggest that Kerry is "not talking about" his rivals is, at best, "technically accurate," since his campaign spokesmen fill the airwaves--and news pages--with disparaging remarks about rivals every day. Consider, for example, what Kerry campaign manager Jim Jordan had to say in today's New York Times piece on Dean:

"Governor Dean is simply reinventing his own position and that of others, and that's the rankest kind of politics. ... He was an unemployed doctor with no responsibilities, and it was easy to sit there and take political potshots from the outside."

For the record, the candidates could do worse than to mix it up once in a while. Democrats need the practice at political hardball, since the Republicans aren't exactly known for playing nice. It's Kerry's pious, I'm-above-that-sort-of-thing attitudes that's so grating--particularly on a candidate who already could use a little humanizing.
I may not like his politics, but I'd take Dean over Kerry any day.
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