
Monday, July 21, 2003

isn't reason enough? 

K.Lo blasts the dems on their opposition to Bush judicial nominee Bill Pryor:
They [the democrats] can't get around he has been completely forthright with the committee. He could have backtracked on so many of his previous public statements re abortion, among other things, but didn't. When it comes down to it, the Democrats oppose him because he is a believing practicing Catholic, who views abortion and an abomination, and doesn't see prenumbras and emanations in the Constitution. As much as they will fish for other excuses, that's what it comes down to.

My reponse? Isn't that a sufficient enough reason? I know less than nothing about Bill Pryor, but it seems to me that someone who refuses to believe the Constitution says what we've decided it says (and here i'm assuming that, when she referenced Pryor's opposition to prenumbras and emanations she meant more than what was decided in Roe v. Wade) partly because his God has told him otherwise isn't doing his homework.

I'm not saying that you can't be a judge and still remain very spiritual and religious, but I wouldn't accept any judicial nominee who would consider the will of God sufficient basis for the law. If that is Bill Pryor then i'm glad the dems are in revolt over his nomination.
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