
Saturday, July 26, 2003

more rubber duckies! 

Remember those rubber duckies that had come ashore in New England? Well they're valuable, and they're headed for England:
Most of the remnants of the fading flotilla are now heading down the eastern seaboard of the United States, although a breakaway group has been spotted heading for Britain, the company that made the ducks said on Friday.

"We hope people will have fun looking for them and look forward to tracking them when they finally come ashore," Clive Wooster of The First Years company said.

"These amazing little ducks are becoming much sought after. In parts of the world they have actually become cult collectors' items," he added.

The U.S-based company is offering a reward of $100 in savings bonds to anyone who finds a duck in New England -- with the monetary equivalent in Canada and Iceland -- but only a signed certificate to the finders of the first 250 in Britain.

The full story can be found on CNN.
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