
Thursday, July 24, 2003

Rant of the day 

Rachel Lucas on the story about a significant proportion of Germans believing that the US staged the 9-11 attacks:

... it reminds me of something that's always pissed me off - you know how Europeans like to be really arrogant and pretentious, and to accuse Americans of not knowing enough about other nations or the world in general? How they like to say that we don't travel enough and aren't considerate enough of other cultures?

Well, ya know what? BITE ME. How many of those asshatted Germans who think the U.S. government sponsored the 9/11 attacks have ever been to America? Seriously, how many? How many Germans under the age of 30 have ever been anywhere other than their little corner of Europe, maybe including France and the Netherlands et al, which are inconsequentially different from Germany itself?


I'm sick of being told that until I travel the world, I won't know anything, but it doesn't even occur to Europeans to apply the same standard to themselves. My East German professor actually told us last semester that most young Germans have never even been to Britain, let alone America, and that they get their impression of American culture from goddamn "Baywatch." And they have the balls to accuse us of having a limited worldview?

And I'm sick of hearing about how the whole world "hates" America, how Europeans think we're "cowboys", how whoever thinks whatever and it always involves us being wrong and them being right - and all the while, there's this ridiculous taboo against someone like me saying something shitty about them.

Screw that. Let's start doing polls about how Americans feel about other nations and other people. Ask me what I think about Europeans and their crappy sissy attitude about self-defense. Ask me if I fear another fascist empire on the European continent that my children or grandchildren will be asked to fight against. Ask me if I'm pissed off and resentful that for generations, American taxpayers have been funding the defense of European nations who've now turned against us in a fit of pretentious pique and jealous hatred.

I'll wait with baited breath for anyone outside of America to give a flying rat's ass about what Americans think of them. Until then, I'll continue to not give a damn what Hans F. Schtuffenschitter thinks.
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