
Wednesday, July 23, 2003

why I can't vote for Howard Dean, again 

Dean in Manchester, New Hampshire:
Presidential candidate Howard Dean, a staunch opponent of the U.S.-led war against Iraq, shrugged off the deaths of Saddam Hussein's two sons Tuesday, saying "the ends do not justify the means."


Maybe Dean should try and give this speech in Iraq to these people:
A chef at Baghdad's exclusive Hunting Club recalls a wedding party that Uday crashed in the late 1990s. After Uday left the hall, the bride, a beautiful woman from a prominent family, went missing. "The bodyguards closed all the doors, didn't let anybody out," the chef remembers. "Women were yelling and crying, 'What happened to her?'" The groom knew. "He took a pistol and shot himself," says the chef, placing his forefinger under his chin.

Last October another bride, 18, was dragged, resisting, into a guardhouse on one of Uday's properties, according to a maid who worked there. The maid says she saw a guard rip off the woman's white wedding dress and lock her, crying, in a bathroom. After Uday arrived, the maid heard screaming. Later she was called to clean up. The body of the woman was carried out in a military blanket, she said. There were acid burns on her left shoulder and the left side of her face. The maid found bloodstains on Uday's mattress and clumps of black hair and peeled flesh in the bedroom. A guard told her, "Don't say anything about what you see, or you and your family will be finished."

Story via 'The Corner'.

I've offically gotten off the 'Howard Dean can be elected' bandwagon, again. If only he would stop making such a complete ass of himself on the foreign policy front. He has the right things to say on so many issues, but he won't allow the Iraq war to be a scar he shields and runs from, he continues to beat his drum on this issue as if he believes his stance will actually win him the election.
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