
Friday, July 25, 2003

why you must always read the SportsGuy 

Did you attend the Celebrity Baseball Game at the All-Star Game again? I saw Jimmy Kimmel belly-flop while going for a pop-up in front of home plate. He must have been distracted by the Bachelorette in center field. Were you there? --Jackson P., Tampa

Actually, I was. The circumstances were slightly different -- because Jimmy and Adam Carolla were playing in the game, we sent a crew down to Chicago to film something for Jimmy's show -- but I still managed to jot down some notes. Here were my Top 10 most memorable behind-the-scene moments:

1. Sharing a bus ride to the stadium with the Bachelorette (Trista) and her fiancee Ryan (sadly, he didn't bring any of his poems). As if that wasn't enough, our bus stopped at the Ritz and picked up Andrew Firestone and his fiancee. That's right ... we had the Bachelor and the Bachelorette on the same bus. Let the record show that Mrs. Bachelor was considerably cuter than the Bachelorette. It was no contest. This was like Roddy Piper versus Frank Williams. That had to be the upset of the day.

(Also on the bus: Shannon Elizabeth. She was adorable. It's always weird to see a celebrity in real-life after you've seen them naked in a movie. You almost feel like you've hooked up with them or something.)

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