
Thursday, August 28, 2003

Holy moral equivalency, Batman. 

Mohamed ElBaradei calls for the nuclear disarmament of the Western world:
"In truth there are no good or bad nuclear weapons. If we do not stop applying double standards we will end up with more nuclear weapons. We are at a turning point," ElBaradei told Stern [A German weekly, not Howard] in the interview released ahead of publication.

The IAEA director, who has overseen inspections of nuclear sites in Iraq (news - web sites), North Korea (news - web sites) and Iran over the past year for half a decade said the world's five original nuclear powers -- the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China -- should send a clear message to the world that they were disarming.

"Otherwise, we must live with the consequences. At the moment we are, at best acting, like the fire brigade. Today Iraq, tomorrow North Korea, the day after Iran. And then?" ElBaradei said.
What a lucky coincidence, Nuclear proliferation amongst the axis of evil is the fault of the United States! Now that we've got that figured out we know who to press sanctions against.

Give me a friggin' break. Earth to ElBaradei, you are a moron.

There really are "good" and "bad" nuclear weapons. The "bad" weapons belong to those who would use the weapons to blackmail their neighbors, or sell the technology to terror groups. The "good" weapons are found in the Arsenal of Democracy, and were used to prevent the Soviets from wiping out every last damn Kraut that you had the priviledge of pandering to. And while i'm greatly in favor in a reduction of the number nuclear warheads in the United States asenal in order to secure the reduction of waheads under Russian control (if only "control" were a word I felt comfortable using), shouldn't ElBaradei be able to recognize the very real difference between the trust-worthy United States, a transparent open society with leaders who are accountable to the world, and Iran and North Korea, society's where Human Rights aren't respected, and where there's no transparency and no one in the world has any clue what our "Dear Leader" may do next.

And I thought there was no nuclear threat in Iraq?

(Link via Think-About-It)
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