
Thursday, August 07, 2003

jeopardy has nothing on us 

It's time to play Name The Quote:

The rules of the game are as follows. Of the following seven quotes there are two from Arnold Schwarzenegger, two from Georgy Russell, two from Howard Dean, and one from Ralph Nader. See if you can figure out which two belong to Arnold.

  1. As part of a plan for healthier citizens the candidate would, in part, stress "[p]revention. Improving the use of preventive measures focused on critical issues affecting health smoking, obesity, substance abuse, communicable diseases (e.g. HIV, SARS), and violence and orchestrating private-public partnerships to promote healthy behavior and prevent illness."

  2. "Money has undeniably corrupted our electoral process. Problems like energy dependence will never be creatively attacked unless we remove money from the equation. We need to strive for representative democracy, not settle for representative plutocracy (government by the wealthy). That a typical citizen might ascend to the governorship is a notion so ridiculously foreign to Californians, most believe it impossible. The only candidates with an outside chance of winning are increasingly those who succumb to special interests or those who spend millions of their own dollars."

  3. "The biggest problem that we have is that California is being run now by special interests. All of the politicians are not anymore making the moves for the people, but for special interests and we have to stop that."

  4. "If we are serious about improving... education... we must not forget that the single most important factor in how a child learns has less to do with the quality of the building, the computers or even the teachers. The most important predictor is the attitude in that child's home toward education. We must involve parents again; we must insist that they participate in their children's education; and we must make schools and school boards responsive to parents."

  5. "We want to make sure children aren't left without any books. We want to make sure our children have the books, that they have a place in the castle. We want to make sure that their mothers have affordable day care. We want to make sure we give the older people the care that they need."

  6. "Californians deserve a campaign that will practice taking the corrosive impact of special interest money out of politics at the same time that it preaches campaign finance reform."

  7. "The truth is, even with the billions in painful cuts already made, California is unable to make the cuts necessary to truly balance the budget. This situation is not new; Republican Governor Pete Wilson faced similarly staggering budget problems when he took office over a decade ago. His solution was to not only cut spending, but to increase revenues by raising rates on the top tax bracket by about one percent." "He recognized what an impediment to economic recovery the budget crisis was, and stayed honest with Californians about the decisions that had to be made."

Arnold Quotes from SFGate.com, Georgy quotes from the Georgy for Governor website, Dean quotes from here and here, while the Nader quote is from here.
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