
Friday, August 01, 2003

Lara has nothing on us 

Good news on the search for WMD, courtesy of The Daily Telegraph:
The United States has found evidence of an active programme to make weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, including "truly amazing" testimony from Iraqis ordered to dupe United Nations inspectors before the war, the man leading the hunt said yesterday.

David Kay, a former UN inspector and now the CIA's leading consultant who is joint head of the Iraq Survey Group (ISG), offered an unprecedentedly bullish assessment of the hunt for weapons of mass destruction.


Briefing officials and Congress on the first five weeks of work by the coalition team, he said: "We have found new evidence of how they successfully misled inspections of the UN and hid stuff continuously from them.

"The active deception programme is truly amazing once you get inside it. We had people who participated in deceiving UN inspectors now telling us how they did it.

"We have Iraqi scientists who were involved in these programmes who are assisting us in taking them apart."

After the private briefing, he said: "We are making solid progress. It is going to take time."

He said a programme shielded by security and deception over 25 years would not be easy to unravel.
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