more anagram fun!Some noteable anagrams of Nicholas: HAC LOINSWith anagram names like Chaos Nil, Cash Lion/Loin and Halos Inc, why haven't I cut my first record yet? Those names alone should get me work with Ja. |
We've moved to here. So get going. Yes, you.
more anagram fun!Some noteable anagrams of Nicholas: HAC LOINSWith anagram names like Chaos Nil, Cash Lion/Loin and Halos Inc, why haven't I cut my first record yet? Those names alone should get me work with Ja. |
Nicholas Favorito is
currently studying
political science and
philosophy at
the Univeristy of
Massachusetts, Boston.
Hei Lun Chan graduated
from Boston University
with degrees in political
science and history. He
is currently "taking the
year off".