
Wednesday, August 20, 2003

a new missle gap? 

Why aren't we developing technologies like these?
The European Space Agency said that the innovative solar-powered engines behind its unmanned lunar probe, SMART-1, will transform space travel by propelling craft at higher speeds and greater distance than those powered by traditional rocket fuel.


The ion engines on SMART-1 are 10 times more efficient and therefore faster than conventional rocket-fueled ones, and could slash years from interplanetary journeys.

The probe's engine uses solar panels that converts sunlight into thrust. The light is converted into electricity, which is then used to convert xenon gas atoms into ions.

This tiny matter is then thrust out of the engine at high speed, providing propulsion. The solar panels provide only 0.07 newton of thrust - the equivalent to the weight of a postcard. But as they build up speed continuously they can eventually travel far faster than a craft powered by traditional rocket fuel.
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