
Monday, August 04, 2003

the NYT and Food 

Today's paper has yet another article detailing the damage 'Big Food' is doing to your children.

Big Food advertises too much: "So besides operating 13,602 restaurants in the United States, it has plastered its golden arches on Barbie dolls, video games, book jackets and even theme parks."

And kids watch too much tv: "During Nickelodeon's "SpongeBob SquarePants" 30-minute cartoon last week, more than half the commercials were about food. The spots showed that children who consume "Go-gurt," the new yogurt-on-the-go, loved skateboards and danced on the walls."

The Horror! Children remember catchy jingles: "Nicky Greenberg, who is 6 and lives with her parents in Lower Manhattan, often spends her afternoons watching Nickelodeon. She can sing the theme song from "SpongeBob SquarePants," and she says her parents buy her Kellogg's Cinnamon Toast Crunch because she loves the commercials."

But the real problem gets no attention:
Tatanisha Roberson, who is 8, was riding on the front of a shopping cart pushed by her mother, Erica, 24, heading toward the cereal aisle.

The question was posed: What kind of food is Tatanisha interested in? "Anything that comes on the TV, she'll get," her mother said, rolling her eyes. "Rugrats Fruit Snacks; Scooby Doo Fruit Snacks; Flintstone's Jell- O."

Can someone get Crimedog McGruff on the phone? D.A.R.E. needs to expand its mission, because there are a hell of a lot of parents who need to be taught how to "Just Say No."
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