
Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Time to bring back the pander bear 

Matthew Yglesias writes:

I understand that a candidate can't very well write off rural America and expect to win, especially considering the importance of the Iowa primary, but if I'm not mistaken Dean's critique of Bush's agricultural policy is that we don't subsidize rural America enough. This is...well...not something that I'm going to be supporting. John Kerry seems a bit better but he, like everyone else in American politics, is drinking the ethanol-flavored Kool-Aid, thus making the air less clean at enormous cost to the taxpayer.
As much as I disagree with John McCain for campaign finance reform, I voted for him in the 2000 primaries because he was the only candidate to oppose ethanol subsidies. Contrast this with Bill Bradley, who was against ethanol subsidies for his whole Senate career, then swiftly changed his position while running for president because ethanol subsidies are "bad for New Jersey, but good for America". Looks as if we have too many Bill Bradleys and not enough John McCains this election.
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