
Sunday, August 03, 2003

today's thought exercise 

Let's suppose that for some reason a justice of the Supreme Court had to resign, effective immediately. Which party would this cause more problems for, the democrats or the republicans?

This thought crossed my mind after I heard David Brooks say on The Chris Matthews Show this morning that the Bush team is letting conservative leaders know that their first Supreme Court nominee will not be a moderate, but will be someone they are very happy with. (I don't have the exact quote as the transcript isn't yet available on the transcript page.)

So who stands to lose more on this issue? Will it be the Republicans who lose the independant vote for nominating a right-wing anti-Roe judge, or the Democrats who would take body shot after body shot for politicizing a judicial nomiation that the nation will actually pay attention to? How far to the left would Dean, Lieberman, Kerry et. al. move themselves with the question of judicial nominations on the table?
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