
Monday, August 11, 2003

Yes Mr. Sherman 

S.W.A.T. S.T.I.N.K.S. according to Slate's David Edelstein. It does seem to have a redeeming character though:
This is not your father's SWAT team—it's not even your gay uncle's SWAT team. But its values are comparable. S.W.A.T. is a peculiar, hugely commercial mixture of red-meat action and rainbow coalition. This movie quite nakedly wants to appeal to male, female, urban, rural, right, and left. It makes jokes about the loss of civil liberties, but it's only the criminals who get holes blown in them, and the film has a villain that everyone can hate: the French. Yes, the bad guy is an irritating French drug dealer played by Olivier Martinez, whom you might remember as the irritating French book dealer that all the men in the audience wanted to kill in Unfaithful (2002). He's too French, he's too pretty, and he's screwing our women. That he's a terrible actor seems, in context, a misdemeanor.
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