
Monday, September 15, 2003

blogging about blogs 

Two intersting blogs listed on the 'Recently Updated Blogs' bar as I signed into blogger this morning:

This first one is absolutely for adults only, and entirely not work safe (NWS), because it's a blog about Porn! Honestly, who amongst us hasn't been looking for "comprehensive reviews and links to the porn and erotic sex blogs"?

The second blog proves that college life isn't quite the skinemax production we make it out to be. Welcom to the life of a real USC undergrad, aka Retarded USC Girl.

The adventures of the USC undergrad just serve to underline the argument from below. As a college student, the cycle of studying, homework and classes is academically challenging, yet the 4 month long pressure of getting good grades is a lot for most people to handle. College is worse than a fulltime job, Monday through Friday there is nothing that's ever left at the office, you are surrounded by studies all the time. Binge drinking and fornication just relieve the boredom and pressure of realizing there are about four assignments you haven't started yet, and won't have time to get to until you finish the last 9 things you're trying to juggle.
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