
Sunday, September 14, 2003

measuring the power of the blogosphere 

Let's make this happen people! Lifted word for word from the Live Journal of a friend of mine:
Message: To all my friends,

I need your help. My friends' family runs a very inspiring camp called CAMP SUNSHINE - a retreat for children with life threatening diseases and their families.

New Balance is donating up to $25,000, $1.00 for every person who clicks on their logo at www.campsunshine.org. So far they have only 2600 clicks as the organization doesn't get a lot of media attention! They need 25,000 in two weeks to earn the $25,000k.

Please take a second and go to the site for more information on the camp and CLICK ON THE NEW BALANCE LOGO. There is no BS associated with it.

You can click on it once a day from any computer and pass it on.

Your moments of time will help bring lifelong memories to some very special children.

Thanks for reading this and thanks for clicking to make the world a better place! All we need in this world is love. Let's share ours.
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