
Thursday, September 18, 2003

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Does anyone else see a lot of similarities between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Wesley Clark?

--Both are easily the one with the most star power in their respective races, and are relying on their celebrity status for their initial support.

--Both have past careers in fields dominated by members of the other party (Arnold in Hollywood, Clark in the military).

--Both got into the race late after a lot of (some say planned) "will-he-or-won't-he" speculation.

--Both are viewed by their respective parties as candidates who can attract moderates.

--Both are competing with someone more ideological in their own party (Dean in the case of Clark; McClintock, Arnold).

--The debate between Republicans in California is whether to support the "right" candidate or the electable one. This type of debate could surface in the Democratic primaries if Clark is running even with Dean later in the game.

--Both are taking efforts to avoid any details in regard to their positions on issues, instead using vague phrases palatable to those in their party who can then project specifics onto their candidate.
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