
Monday, September 15, 2003

not a bad way to start the morning 

Tim Graham, no stranger to cheap shots, dispatched another in The Corner this morning:
2. Showing someone at the Post reads Romenesko, a feature on the sex columnist for the Georgetown University student newspaper. She's an aspiring Carrie Bradshaw for the Jesuit hookup joint. Julia Baugher is doing her best to be "hip" and sexually liberated, proclaiming "It's my opinion that if you're completely realistic about what you're getting out of the situation, there's absolutely no harm in a hookup. People have needs, right? I think the problem comes when people expect a relationship to come out of it." Isn't this just the kind of female mentality the single sex-crazed guy craves? Would you call it feminist?
Tim, you say that like it's a bad thing! Of course, Tim misses the entire essence of the argument by ignoring the following two facts from the Washington Post Piece. Ms. Baugher notes that (emphasis added):
...it wasn't until I took a year off from school in 2000 that I realized that contrary to my high school and college experience, in the real world, people actually date in the traditional sense -- a nonexclusive thing that involves going out and talking rather than just hooking up in a bar or at a party. I thought this was a great concept, and one that college students needed to learn, because they don't know how to date properly.
which, when combined with the following really paints the College picture:
You can meet people anywhere as long as you engage them -- before or after class, at the grocery store. I met one of my boyfriends while getting my summer parking sticker. I was open and friendly, we struck up a conversation, and he asked for my number. If, on the other hand, you're just looking for a hookup, everyone knows that anywhere with a high potential for inebriation is going to have a lot of that. This could mean 2 p.m. at Homecoming Tailgate or 2 a.m. at the Rhino Bar on M Street.
So no Tim, college isn't quite the den of sin that us "single sex-crazed guys" crave, but it's a pretty good facsimile. It's all about choices, as Ms. Baugher so wisely notes. If one chooses to participate in the culture of binge drinking and parties, there's a pretty good chance the phone's going to ring up with a booty call. It's just one of those lovely things that alcohol, being the cause of and solution to all of life's problems, does to people.

Is this feminist? I have a tough time answering no, but I don't want to say yes because I detect a definite twang of disdain in Tim's remarks. It's feminist in that women in college aren't restricting their behavior based upon someone else's preconceived notions of acceptable behavior. Is it feminist to suggest that every person should have the right to determine for themselves how they wish to conduct themselves socially and/or sexually? Maybe Tim would have been happy had the WaPo piece included advice on lessening the regret of the "walk of shame" the morning after?

BONUS CHEESECAKE: Julia Baugher is absolutely gorgeous, and you can find a large photo of her from the WaPo piece here.
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