
Thursday, September 25, 2003

playing the lunatic card 

Got an e-mail today. John Kerry reports that College Republicans are up to their mean, hateful ways again! At the recent CRNC event in Washington, D.C., Kerry saw vendors peddling t-shirts with slogans like "No Muslims, No Terrorists" and "The Clinton Legacy" with photo of the airliner striking one of the World Trade Towers. (Click here for a copy of Kerry's message, or here if you want to see the legible image that was e-mailed)

Kerry warns that these "divisive slogans and graphic pictures are not to be laughed off as campaign rhetoric - they are racist, anti-gay and violent. I support the First Amendment and I am using my right to free speech to protest these products." You can protest too! Just give Kerry money.

I wonder if Kerry has ever been offended by the whackos to his left, and their "divisive slogans and graphic pictures".
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