
Friday, September 19, 2003

rallying to aid 

In a post about his liberal friends Steve from Begging to Differ gets taken to the mat by a loyal BTD reader:
UPDATE: A reader responds: "Either you have incredibly odd, stupid friends who can't separate causal variables from dependent variables or you're making up fake friends to drive home a disingenuous, partisan smear."
If only we had that kind of diligent readership! That being said, while Steve kindly acknowledges his shortcomings, I believe he does so in err.

As the reader points out, it is the sad state of affairs that many liberals rely on fraudulent dependent variable relationships. This is exactly the point Steve was making. While he didn't put it so succinctly (if only we could all be so concise sometimes), liberals are making these silly arguments.

UPDATE: Michael J. Totten thrashes more silly arguments.

UPDATE2: Paul Krugman makes an ass of himself: "The real threat isn't some terrorists who can kill a few people now and then but are not fundamentally a threat to the continuation of America as I know it, but the internal challenge from very powerful domestic political forces who want to do away with America as I know it."

UPDATE3: Who could forget the soccer match between the communists and anarchists which ended with a celebration of "the hopeful demise of the U.S. government." That's good sportsmanship.
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