
Sunday, September 07, 2003

re: Some murderers are less equal than others 

This situation reminds me of something (surprise!) Gregg Easterbrook said in TMQ a few weeks ago:
As for the concept of "fair and balanced," in practice this means, "whatever supports my views." Conservatives don't like CNN or the New York Times because they are mainly liberal; Fox News is mainly conservative, which seems to conservatives fair and balanced. National Public Radio, which is mainly liberal, seems fair and balanced to liberals. If there were a revanchist krypto-Trotskyite anti-cosmopolitan news channel, and it ran a report saying that secret councils of European bankers ruled the world, all revanchist krypto-Trotskyite anti-cosmopolitan viewers would consider that fair and balanced.
That being said, I join you in your disgust for people whose moral objection to the death penalty runs only as deep as their opinion on abortion.
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