
Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Republicans for Dean 

Opposites make silly combinations:

"Fratboys for Abstinence"
"Vegetarians for Steak Diane"
"Hackers for Microsoft"
"Atheists for Jesus"
"Republicans for Dean"

No, wait, that one actually exists. Andrew Sullivan isn't buying it though:

...a close look reveals this site to be mighty suspicious. It's full of far-left rhetoric, extremist Bush-hating, and generally lacks any real conservative or Republican philosophy. It calls the Bush administration a "failed regime." If these guys are real Republicans, I'm a hetero. Someone should check who's really behind this site.
I'd blame it on a secret scheme by the Democrats, but as we all know only Karl Rove does these kind of things. I've seen this "Republicans for Dean" meme before, specifically in the comments of this Dan Drezner post by "Dean Man":

Reports from this month's Dean Meetup in our modest sized town indicate that 10-15% of our meeting consisted of Republicans turned off by Bush

a. budget profligacy
b. cluelessness in Iraq
c. protectionism
d. cronyism
e. heavy handed federalism

It may not be Dean who gets the final nomination, but judging by one quiet night in early September 2003, Karl Rove is going to have a really lousy fourteen months before the next election.
Um, sure, whatever you say. This was my response:

c) Isn't Dean just as big a protectionist as Bush? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he say that the problem with farm subsidies is that there isn't enough of it? Also, isn't he worried about jobs being outsourced overseas?

d)Call me skeptical, but I can't imagine any person from any party going to a meeting of a candidate from another party because of "cronyism" from a politician in their own party. If that were a regular occurrence we'd have a lot more Republicans in Massachusetts right now.

e) What exactly is "heavy handed federalism"? How is it different from the non-heavy handed variety? Isn't federalism by definition not heavy handed? And don't Republicans like federalism, anyway?

I think it's probably an anomaly that 10-15% of those in that Dean Meetup were Republicans.
I can see a few disgruntled Republicans going for Wesley Clark, or even hoping that John McCain would run as an independent, but Howard Dean? Who are these people kidding? The only Republicans who would vote for Dean are the "paleo-cons" who are vehemently against the war in Iraq. Of course, these people are mostly Pat Buchanan types who favor affirmative action for whites, want to throw all the immigrants out, and advocate extreme isolationism and protectionism. These are not the types that the Republicans for Dean people pretend to be, though. What they don't get is that the Republicans most likely to support Dean are not moderate Republicans, but the extremists on the fringe. So before trying to pretend to be the opponent, you should at least know a little something abut them. [Ed--Have you consider that Republicans for Dean is set up by Karl Rove so Bush can have the easiest opponent in the general election? Not really. These are probably the same people who started the "Dean is the most electable Democrat" meme too. Good point. And did you know that Karl Rove is also responsible for the Kennedy assassination, the fake moon landing, and the last season of Seinfeld? Okay, that's enough.]
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