
Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Two negatives do make a positive 

What's a good way to convince people to vote for an actor with little experience in politics running for governor as a Republican? Have the Dixie Chicks say bad things about him!

The Dixie Chicks have been voicing their political opinions again by criticising Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Last time they were in Europe, lead singer Natalie Maines, said the band were ashamed President Bush was from Texas.

Emily Robison, currently touring Europe with the rest of the band, has now said: "He is a great film star. But I find his idea to run for governor absolutely insane."

She told German paper Abendzeitung: "America should be governed by people who have a clue. I hope he doesn't win."
I'm not going to criticize them for not liking Arnold, but one does have to wonder whether they consider what impact their statements have. Anyone who takes what they say in politics seriously wouldn't have voted for Arnold anyway. On the flip side, it might actually push a few conservatives to vote for Arnold after seeing what they said. Many conservatives, such as those at The Corner, are debating whether to support Arnold or Tom McClintock. Seeing what the Dixie Chicks said might convince them that, while Arnold isn't a true conservative, he is still disliked by the left, much more to the right than Bustamente, and worthy of their vote.

(Via Mickey Kaus).
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