
Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we? 

Eric Lindholm and the Corner crew all predict Yes on recall and victory for Arnold. My three predictions:

Recall passes 52%. Don't remember who said it, but I agree with one blogger's opinion that when they're at the voting booth, many Democrats who said they'd vote Yes wouldn't be able to bring themselves to do it, because they know that Bustamente has no chance and a Yes vote is a vote for Arnold. I think if the voter turnout were the same as a normal election, the recall would lose, but all the new voters will put the recall over the top, since most first time voters will be voting for the recall. (Ironically, the Democrats finally get new voters to show up in the one election where a higher turnout is bad for them.)

Arnold 44%, Bustamente 32%, McClintock 12% Easy call. Both new voters and Arnold-McClintock fence-sitters will vote for Arnold. And even Democrats don't like Bustamente.

Duck Season value added: Georgy Russell finishes ahead of Arianna Huffington. Just a hunch.
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