
Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Funniest thing I read all day 

Maybe I'd take all this more seriously if it were my state or if it were my party who is getting trounced, but this Mark Kleiman spiel on why the Democrats lost in California today just cracks me up.

First he blames Arnold for running a dishonest campaign, then he blames the press for letting Arnold off the hook, then he blames talk-show hosts and bloggers (bloggers!) who talked about Bustamente's MECha connections, then he blames Susan Estrich for "deciding that the weekend before the election was a good time to give aid and comfort to the enemy" (which is ironic, since he's also blasting rightie bloggers for defending Bush on the Plame affair; apparently they should give aid and comfort to their enemies), then he blames "family value" Republicans (his quotes, not mine) for not being outraged at grope-gate (nevermind that most of these Republicans probably voted for McClintock). And he's not even half-done! His next targets are Bustamente for running a bad campaign, Davis for not endorsing Bustamente, and the national Democrats for not giving the voters a better Democrat to vote for. Nowhere is any consideration of the possibility that the voters are choosing Arnold because they think he would do a better job as governor than either Davis or Bustamente. Usually I'd make sarcastic comments about liberals not trusting voters, but you'll have to pardon me; I'm still laughing.
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