
Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Imminent threat 

Since the release of the Kay report, parts of the blogsphere has revisited the issue of whether Bush has declared Iraq to be an "imminent" threat. Some anti-war bloggers and commenters are saying that since Bush said that Iraq was an imminent threat, and the lack of actual WMDs found in Iraq proves that Iraq was not, we were wrong to invade Iraq. That, however, was not what they said before the war. Remember that one of the anti-war arguments was not that Iraq did not have WMDs. Many argued that Iraq was not an imminent threat even though they do have WMDs. So to say that the lack of WMDs proves we were wrong to go to war is disingenuous because even if we had found WMDs, that still would not have been enough to satisfy the anti-war side's criteria before the war.
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