
Friday, October 17, 2003

my problem with democracy 

Late last night I got the e-mail announcement that Viking Pundit spent all day waiting for:
Dear Friend,

The best way to support our troops and take the target off their backs is with a real strategy to win the peace in Iraq – not by throwing $87 billion at George Bush’s failed policies. George Bush has offered a price tag – but no plan. I am voting ‘no’ on the Iraq resolution to hold the President accountable and force him finally to develop a real plan that secures the safety of our troops and stabilizes Iraq.

Please click here to watch a video statement, which outlines my position in more depth. I urge you to visit my website at http://www.johnkerry.com and find out more.

The Administration has consistently misled the American people and wasted every opportunity to build an international coalition in Iraq.

With our soldiers dying on a daily basis, the President needs to change course. But rather than putting in place a real plan, he has spent months drifting and zigzagging. Rather than immediately building a real coalition, he has fought to keep unilateral control over reconstruction and governance. Rather than asking for shared sacrifice from Americans – as Senator Biden and I have proposed, he has refused to repeal any of his tax cut for the wealthiest to pay for rebuilding Iraq. Our troops are paying the highest price – and America’s hard working families shouldn’t have to subsidize that failure.

America’s national security requires a muscular strategy that brings freedom and prosperity to post-war Iraq, stability to the region, and advances our basic values and ideals. And I will gladly and proudly vote for any proposal this President offers that protects the troops and provides a real plan to win the peace.

But I oppose spending $87 billion – at the expense of health care, education and domestic priorities here at home – on a strategy that does not protect the troops, does not make America safer, and does not put us on a path to win the peace in Iraq.
This is just pure asinine partisan rhetoric bullshit, and I've officially lost all respect for Senator Splunge. For any member of the U.S. Congress to bemoan a lack of pork in the 2.44 TRILLION U.S. budget is an absurdity that runs screaming past the border of insanity on a brisk pace towards obscenity.

I called Senator Kerry's Boston office to complain about all of this, but the woman on the phone was just too nice. I let his office know that unless he changes his position I will not be voting again for him, ever. Hopefully that means something to them coming from a registered democrat. Though, after all that, I now feel bad for talking to Kerry's aide with my angry voice. She did let me know I was the first person to call about this issue, so maybe my one lone voice will register in his campaign somehow.
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