
Wednesday, October 15, 2003

on Rush (and no, I don't mean the band) 

Maybe Jonah was never taught something about glass houses and throwing stones:
But what drives me nuts about this story is how universally misguided the coverage has been. When word came out that Limbaugh had admitted to his addiction, the networks, the newspapers and the countless one-man-band outlets on the Web immediately scurried to find examples of Limbaugh condemning drug use. Aha! He's a hypocrite!

So what?

The coverage made it seem as if Limbaugh's crime or mistake was his hypocrisy not his drug addiction. That certainly makes sense in a journalistic culture incapable of condemning most inappropriate behaviors (racism being the only major exception).

But this is batty. Would Limbaugh really be a better person if all along he'd been telling the world, "Go ahead, take lots and lots of drugs. It's your own business"?
My question to Jonah - When Rush comes back to his radio show can he continue his previous bluster against drug use and drug users? Does he get to continue his company line, or will he be held to some sort of intellectually honest revision of his previous position?

Drug use is bad Rush, you've said so all along. It "destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country." Why did you destroy this country Rush?

Rush, if it is true that "Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks." are the priorities of your audience out of whack for being incessantly faithful listeners?

Don't try and tell me OxyContin is a different kind of drug. I live in Massachusetts, a state that has an OxyContin Task Force thanks to several statewide OxyContin roberry sprees in the last few years.

So Rush, if drug use is as you described it, why did you do it? Maybe it is because you aren't perfect. As Jonah says "To argue that every conservative must be perfect before he or she can offer an opinion is to say that conservatives can never offer their opinions. No conservative I know said conservatives are perfect." Jerry Garcis wasn't perfect, neither are the rest of those burdened with drug addication in this country.

Maybe these people, instead of being characterized as the destruction of this country, deserve the same chance for redemption that Rush deserves. Yet, before this incident, Rush would have been appalled by this idea.

This is not about chastising Rush for his own sins, it's about Rush not showing a compassion for the burden of addiction. I hope Rush is shown the same compassion that all who suffer should be afforded, now if Rush would just learn to express this compassion himself, then his pain would not all be for nothing.
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