
Thursday, October 09, 2003

the sad state of the Democratic party 

First an editorial from today's New York Times:
California's system is actually the worst of all evils. The voters micromanage the state budget through one referendum after another. But they are generally deprived of real choice in picking state officials. Right-wing Republicans have been able to control their party's nominating process, forcing a moderate-to-liberal populace to accept whatever slate the Democrats deign to offer. Mr. Schwarzenegger, a moderate-to-liberal Republican, would have had a much tougher time in a primary than he did in this race, where he was able to insert himself onto the ballot without the party's screening.

(Emphasis added)
And now an e-mail, dated today, from Michael Moore:
In the meantime, don't be depressed about Arnold. The people are pissed off and they have every right to be. They are in a "removal" mood. That is a good thing. As soon as we do our work to inform our friends and neighbors how Bush has wrecked the country, the economy and our standing in the world, they will be more than ready for "Terminator IV: Hasta La Vista Bush." And, please, let this be the end of wimpy, wishy-washy Democrats like Gray Davis who are really Republicans. The American public hates b.s. and hates fakes.

So let me get this straight. California Republicans have purposefully running unelectable candidates as part of some nefarious scheme to get mediocre Democratic politicians put in office? And then the Democrats are going to build on the populist upheaval in California (which the Times denounced) in order to remove another (in their eyes) unelectable Republican candidate in the person of George W. Bush?
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