
Monday, October 13, 2003

Us vs. them 

One of the standard lines of rhetoric from the anti-war crowd is that the other side has a "with us or against us" attitude. In this line of attack, the Bush administration and its supporters regard anyone who disagree with them as the enemy against whom it is proper to violate their liberties and silence their speech.

Well, let me tell you, as someone who is generally on the side of the Bush administration in foreign policy, we do have a us vs. them attitude, but it's not what the anti-war people think it is. For people like me, "us" is democracy, liberty, and Western civilization, and "them" is the terrorists who sought to destroy our democracy, our liberties, and our civilization. Contrary to what the anti-war people think, we don't think of them as the enemy, however persecuted they like to pretend they are, because we have much bigger issues to deal with.
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