
Sunday, November 02, 2003

Dispatch from the people's republic, part 2 

Notes on Hong Kong television:

--TV stations in English at the hotel: two local channels, a "World" channel, BBC, CNBC, Discovery, and some bastardized version of ESPN. Besides ESPN, there were also two stations that show sports, but they for some reason have the exact same content. Not that it mattered, since even if they had different stuff it'd all be soccer anyway. It's all soccer, all the time at ESPN.

--Friday Night Fights, on Friday morning. Too bad I don't watch boxing.

--American programming found: America's Top New Model, Two Guys and a Girl, ABC News, and music videos of Kelly Clarkson and Mandy Moore.

--Saw a report on BBC on gay rodeo. The guy talking wonders out loud why one of the beer companies wouldn't appear on camera to talk about their sponsoring of gay rodeo.

--Question answered on why our ESPN show only women's pool and not men's: all the men playing pool are ugly.

--Saw Letterman interviewing Dante Hall and launching footballs across New York. Also saw Leno the next day talking to REM. Switched the channel when the lead singer was pointing to a giant number on his pants and said, "this is the number of people disenfranchised in the last election..."

--A decade ago from New York, it's Saturday night! Saw part of an episode of SNL with Jim Carrey when he just did the Cable Guy.
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