
Saturday, November 08, 2003

Dispatch from the people's republic, epilogue 

Okay I'm back. Some odds and ends:

--Usually the McDonalds in foreign countries have a different menu from McDonalds in the US. The ones in Hong Kong all seem to have the same items, though, except for a "golden corn soup".

--The Chinese astronaut was in Hong Kong at the same time. The radio stations are all intent on playing and translating every word he ever said.

--One of the hosts on their version of SportsCenter was named Uday.

--Boston has the worst airport of the ones I've been to on this trip. It was poorly lit, the bathrooms weren't clean, and the place was poorly designed. For example, the place where you retrieve your luggage is on a different floor than where you can get picked up, meaning you either have to wait in line for an elevator or carry your luggage up a flight of stairs. It also is the only airport to charge for the luggage-carrying carts.
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