
Thursday, November 13, 2003

good news from the Lieberman campaign 

Straight from a Joe2004 e-mail:
5 Days, 5 Polls: Joe In the Lead in 5 Primary States

Over the last 5 days, polls in 5 primary states have shown Joe Lieberman leading where it counts among voters who will make the difference in 2004.

The election won't be won on the basis of national polls. It will be won state by state, and only Joe Lieberman has the broad national appeal towin in a diverse array of states across the country.

- In the first ever poll in Delaware, which will hold its primary one week after New Hampshire on February 3, Joe leads the field with 19%. (Mason Dixon/WBOC-TV poll)

- In Wisconsin, which holds its primary fourteen days later, Joe leads the field with 16% (Wisconsin NPR / St. Norbert College poll).

- In the critical state of New York, Joe is once again in first place, with 17% (Quinnipiac Poll).

- In the swing state of Ohio -- which like New York holds a Super Tuesday primary -- Joe remains in the lead, with 18 percent. (Ohio Poll)

- Finally, in New Jersey Joe continues to lead the field, in a statistical tie for first place (tied with Dean at 16%). (Quinnipiac Poll)
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