
Sunday, November 02, 2003

Name that candidate 

Guess which Democratic presidential candidate Alex Massie is talking about?

There's some truth in that, but the air is also going out of _____'s campaign because you simply can't keep muddling your position on the most important issue of the day - national security and foreign policy - and expect no-one to either notice or care. _____'s been guilty of trying to be too cute: in an attempt to persuade Democrats that he's one of them ... he's destroyed much of his credibility on these vital issues. It's not just a lack of organisation that is responsible for crippling his campaign, it's policy too (even if, to be fair, his health plan looks better than some of the other candidates' proposals - but even if it is, no-one is paying it any attention. That tells you how much damage his waffling on the war is doing to his campaign).
Hint: surprisingly, not John Kerry.
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