
Friday, November 14, 2003

One phone call away 

Steve Sachs was a little suspicious of reports that the Pentagon was about to revive the draft, so he did a little digging. After a grand total of one phone call, he found out why there was an application out for recruiting people to fill draft boards:

So I checked it out, and called Dan Amon, a public affairs specialist with the Selective Service (703-605-4100). It turns out that the current system of local boards was established in 1979, and many individuals had volunteered for 20-year terms. As a result, the military faced a number of vacancies at the turn of the century, which it's tried in the intervening years to fill. The same thing was reported by the Associated Press, which notes that "hiring replacements has been going on for several years."

Although the Selective Service System wasn't responsible for placing the ad, the site in question (DefendAmerica.mil) contains links to a number of different volunteer opportunities, like the Red Cross and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Whoever posted the notice undoubtedly wanted to help out by circulating the application to volunteer.
Sachs also has comments on how this inaccurate story spread and why so many people believed in it. Read the next post too.

(Via Oxblog.)
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