it's better over thereInstapundit has the details on Canada, where a stagnant press ignores criticizing the government and when they do the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ransack their homes. Meanwhile OxBlog suggests anti-semitism might be an issue of growing concern in the UK: Nearly half the respondents (47 percent) did not fully agree that a Jewish prime minister would be as acceptable as a non-Jewish one. (...) 15 percent of those surveyed agreed the scale of the Holocaust has been exaggerated. |
Double standardsJack Shafer on the judiciary committee memo "scandal": If the Democrats' files weren't password-protected--and I've yet to see anybody report that they were--it's hard to imagine that the Republican clicking his way to them committed a computer crime. Naughty and unethical, maybe, and maybe deserving of a Senate sanction. But the criminal outrage of the century by political dirty tricksters engaging in surveillance, no.And what were on the memos? They dealt with how to Bork President Bush's judicial nominees, the need to postpone nomination hearings until after the 2002 elections, and the degree to which the Democrats were taking their marching orders from such interest groups as the NAACP, not to mention the language used to describe conservative nominees deserving of a filibuster ("nazis," according to the Washington Post).Shouldn't the bigger scandal be the fact that Democrats are catering to interest groups by filibustering judicial nominees, that some nominees were delayed so that they wouldn't be on the bench in time to rule on the Michigan University affirmative action case (a big no-no for the lawyer on the case who lobbied the Democrats), and that in one memo it specified that a nominee's race was a reason for filibuster? It's not rare that one side publicizes embarrassing confidential communication by the other side that they uncovered. It is rare to discover that judicial nominees were blocked to affect a court case and to prevent someone of a certain race to be on the bench, in accordance to the wishes of interest groups. Despite that, the substance of the memos were ignored, and the focus is on the fact that they were acquired in a circumspect, but not illegal, way. Of course, it doesn't take a genius to figure why that is ... I wonder how the Globe would have covered the story had a Democratic staffer stumbled upon a stack of incendiary strategy memos by Republican staffers. If she shared them with her colleagues and then with the Globe, would the Globe have eagerly printed excerpts of them? You betcha. And would Republicans scream holy hell and demand an investigation after the Globe went to press? You betcha. And would the Globe and the Times be editorializing about the investigation's "chilling effect" on dissent and free speech? You betcha, again.Juan Non-Volokh has examples of when the shoe is on the other foot, with predictable results: Last year, Senate Democrats sought to use stolen documents to impugn the integrity of 11th Circuit nominee William Pryor. Most news accounts focused on the allegations, not how they became public. Similarly, when Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court (but before the Anita Hill story broke) someone on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit leaked Judge Thomas' forthcoming opinion in a controversial case to the press, a clear violation of the code of judicial conduct. The draft opinion made lots of news, but there was little, if any, discussion of how the unreleased opinion made it into the hands of the press.An Instapundit reader has another example. The big scandal in this story continues to be the blocking of judicial nominees by Democrats with unethical and possibly racist motives, but I wouldn't be surprised if the media chooses to concentrate on how the memos were acquired. |
This says it all |
This is becoming a daily thingFor the third time in three days, Wesley Clark said something that makes me question whether I'd rather have Howard Dean as president. Today he's complaining about a question from Brit Hume (who works for FoxNews) in the debate yesterday on his credentials as a Democrat. It's a legitimate question, since Clark has often voted for Republican presidents in the past and had praised Bush as late as last year. It's also a question that many Democratic primary voters still have. But according to Clark, Hume was carrying the Republican agenda by asking the question. "I looked at who was asking the questions, and I think that was part of the Republican agenda in the debate." Making an ad hominem attack won't exactly endear yourself to the moderate voters, though it might convince some Democrats that he's one of them, which I guess was the point. And it makes him look like a jerk, again. (Previous Clark rips here and here and here) |
Today's polls |
Sir, we are theyI had the pleasure of taking Rusty Simmonds' class on the 'Politics of Communication' a few semesters ago. The class covered a lot of ground, but one of the more memorable twenty minute segments was when we discussed the idea that advertisers were hiding explicit images ads, specifically in the colouring of ice cubes, to give their product a subconscious sexual appeal. The examples presented in class weren't overwhelmingly convincing, the ice cubes proved to be about as erotic as any given cloud, but the theory stuck with me, and now I think I might be able to do Rusty one better. Check out the CD cover art for FIRED UP!. This collection of dance hits currently runs ads on MTV as part of the "sold only through this offer (until next month when we'll realease it everywhere) so buy now and pay a lot" trend that I'm never going to understand. Does the cover art look at all unusual? No? Make sure you're looking at the regular image, and not the larger image. It's been my experience that this smaller image much better resembles the one used on MTV. Still seeing nothing? Investigate with your eyes the area between the prongs of the U and the space that stretches from the belly of the P to the circle that forms the bottom half of the exclamation point. See anything now? Take one last look. No wonder MTV is so popular with the young folks, they're selling cds decorated with images of breasts. |
School choice |
nothing illegal, butThe Boston Globe has a report about Republicans exploiting a computer glitch to spy on Democrats. |
The rest of the storyThe Hill has a puff piece on Jonah Goldberg's rise to fame. |
the 'immoral' warCheck out this editorial from an Austrialian newspaper titled "They like Bush, and they are not stupid" |
Science vs. dogmaEvangelical Outpost points us to a Stanford biology professor who is rejecting a major part of Darwinism. The reason? Darwin's theory on sexuality isn't compatible with her belief that homosexuality is genetic, so she's throwing her scientific beliefs overboard for her political beliefs. |
make them stopMore exciting television from Harpo entertainment: LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Oxygen has ordered eight episodes of "My Best Friend Is a Big Fat Slut," a comedy about two women trying to make it in Hollywood.Doesn't branding someone as a slut run contrary to the credo of networks like Oxygen? Aren't women supposed to be free to make their own choices without condemnation from society? In protest of such an anti-progressive and misogynist sexual condemnation of a female character I'm going to abstain from watching the Oxygen network for one whole week. That is, if I even get the Oxygen network. |
Soft on terrorismTim Graham complains over in The Corner: IT'S CHRISTIAN TERRORIST DAY [Tim Graham]Yes, some Christian nut is telling others to blow up abortion clinics, but the IMPORTANT issue is that ABCNews isn't being fair and balanced. At least according to Tim Graham. I went over to ABC News to read the first story and while one can question whether this is front page news, I think it's a more than fair story. Just look at the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth paragraphs: There is some question among academics and others who follow extremist movements in the United States about how seriously to take the rhetoric, particularly because none believe that such views are shared by more than, at most, a few hundred people.If this were a hit piece, this would probably appear near the end of the story, and certainly not on the first page of a five-page story. Let me repeat: there are Christian terrorists who want to blow up abortion clinics. And yet some people think that pointing this out is evidence of media bias. I think media bias exists, but this isn't an example of it. Somehow I don't think these people complaining would do the same about eco-terrorists. |
Clark continues to piss me offWhat a jerk. So you support Massachusetts’s calling it marriage?Now Clark's saying voters are stupid. According to him, voters would be supporting gay marriage and voting Democratic, except for those evil Republicans who play up to the voters' irrational side, and when that happens, the voters lose their common sense and vote Republican. It's an attitude like this that have caused voters to distrust Democrats in recent years. And this quote, And when I say, "It's OK," then it's OK, period.has to be the most pompous thing I've heard from this campaign so far. Who does Clark think he is? I can tell that Clark his an outsized ego from this and his claim that he would have captured bin Laden if he were president. But there doesn't seem to be much substance inside that empty military uniform. Just as Kerry looks good to me when compared to Dean, Dean looks sane and responsible compared to Clark. UPDATE: Matthew Stinson thinks Clark's a jerk too and asks, "does Clark’s campaign have anyone dedicated to keeping the general and his events on-message?" |
Obligatory theme post for Chinese New Year |
Those "special interests" again ...Mickey Kaus on why a populist, us-vs.-them attitude on the "special interests" doesn't work for Democrats: Are the major problems facing Americans today mainly due to evil corporate interests that need to be defeated? Don't drugs cost money because researching and gaining approval for a drug costs money? And if drugs aren't expensive, don't we want them to be, in that we want drug companies to pursue expensive treatments that save lives as well as cheap treatments that save lives? Drug companies need to make a reasonable profit if they're going to make these investments, and somebody must pay the bill... |
Just wonderingIf a woman gets married, has sex, then annuls the marriage, is she still a virgin? |
Jumping on the bandwagonBoth the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald has Kerry with a 10-point lead over Dean in New Hampshire. The two polls has the exact same numbers: Kerry 31, Dean 21, Clark 16, and Edwards 11. Also, both papers endorsed him in their editorial pages today, citing his experience as a major factor in their decisions. UPDATE: Zogby has Kerry 27, Dean 24, Clark 15, Edwards 8. |
I like Bush's way betterFirst Wesley Clark tells us that Bush doesn't really want to find Osama bin Laden. Then he tells us that if he were president, bin Laden would have been caught already. Now he tells us that he would have deposed of Saddam Hussein by calling for his arrest: "Present the evidence," General Clark said, "call for his arrest, and arrest him." He did not say how the United States could have executed the arrest before Mr. Hussein's regime was toppled.Presumably, Clark would have caught bin laden by calling for his arrest too. I'm sure the mullahs would have handed him right over to us. Maybe in an alternative universe where Clark never actually supported the war, this kind of thing would have worked. But I'll stick to supporting invading Iraq as the way to get rid of Saddam. When the New York Times is mocking someone from the right, it's a clear sign that something is missing. Howard Dean might sound nuts, but I'm starting to believe that Clark might actually be nuts. ALSO: Tom Maguire compares Clark to Ross Perot. |
Who's African-American?One of my friends like to say that Charlize Theron is African-American--because she was born in South Africa. Now four high school students are suspended from school for saying the same thing: A small group of Westside High School students plastered the school Monday with posters advocating that a white student from South Africa receive the "Distinguished African American Student Award" next year.Got to love those tolerant multi-culturalists. Eugene Volokh says that it's likely a First Amendment violation for the school to punish the high schoolers for speech that is "inappropriate and insensitive". What I like to focus on, however, is the fact that the school gives a special award that only blacks can win. Not only is it discriminatory to non-blacks, it also sends the wrong message to blacks. With a reward exclusive to them, the school is telling blacks that they are somehow different from the other students, and that while white achievement is expected, black achievement is something that is out of the ordinary and needs to be celebrated. PS This reminds me of two years ago when Bob Costas called someone "The first African-American from Eurpoe ..." |
Just an amazing storySouth Korean prisoner of war escapes captivity in the North fifty years after being captured. (via Best of the Web) |
Not all walls are created equalIndia is going to continue building a security fence and enclose part of Kashmir that Pakistan is claiming as their territory, but nobody cares. Meanwhile, other fences all over the world are also still standing, some of which are found in UN member countries, and nobody conplains about those walls either. Only one wall in the world has been the subject of controversy recently (and we all know which one it is). I wonder why ... (Via Roger L. Simon) |
Going full circleJohn Kerry has taken over the lead in both nationally and in New Hampshire. Though Howard Dean still leads Kerry in three-day averages in polls, Kerry topped Dean in yesterday's single day results. Rasmussen has Kerry 25%, Dean 15%, John Edwards 14%, and Clark 12%,while in New Hampshire ARC has Kerry up five points on Dean. |
Reality TVGregg Easterbrook has some programming suggestions for PBS in this week's Tuesday Morning Quarterback: Sherry Hour Don wants to be chairperson of the Department of Revisionism, but Hester has accused him of taking a morally inexact position on the Council of Trent. Professor Humbert is just days from his retirement party when he accidentally insults an influential postmodernist by calling one of his articles "true." Caroline will get tenure unless they find out about her Internet sex tape. And who threw the term papers into the regular trash instead of the recycle bin? It's every non-gendered individual for him/herself at the university sherry hour! |
For your listening enjoyment |
Even the president likes the Patriots |
On the shoulders of giants |
Representing the leftIs Nader going to reconsider his decision not to run as a Green now that Dean doesn't seem to be a lock for the nomination? |
It's better over thereThe Telegraph has an indepth expose of the teen pregnancy problem in England: In the past decade, the number of teenage pregnancies in America has decreased by 30 per cent, with the past year's statistics indicating a historic low of just 43 births per 1,000 teenage girls.Well, it's better if you're a teenage boy. Call me muddled, but I believe in sexual education and in abstinence education. I think the one thing both sides miss is educating teenagers about the emotional impact sex has on a relationship, especially on young immature people. For me it's about what kind of responsibility you require of the students. Condoms shouldn't be passed out to everyone in the cafeteria as part of Friday's lunch menu, that's far too permissive. It's a genuine don't-ask-don't-tell policy. Condoms for everyone means no administrator has to be in the awkward position of knowing which 14 year old is having sex with her boyfriend. Condoms should be available in school, but a student should be required to go to the Nurse's office and actually ask for them. And I'm disgusted by the idea that fourteen year old kids are taught that they have a right to fully enjoy a casual sex life. College kids should get laid regularly, high schoolers should have to work for it. |
Through the grapevineLT Smash says he's heard rumors that Dick Cheney is retiring as vice president and that Rudy Giuliani is the likely replacement. (Via Dean Esmay) |
Mad HowAnyone who missed the election coverage on television yesterday has to hear this clip of Howard Dean. Calling him a raving lunatic would be unfair to the people who at least know they're nuts. I think the "yyeeeeaaaahhhh!!!" at the end is what puts it over the top. (Via The Corner) |
Do Not Be Alarmed |
Bulletin board materialOkay, so the Patriots are favored by seven points against the Panthers and pretty much everybody thinks they're going to win. So how is coach Bill Belichick going to motivate his players? Well, maybe with this: 56% of poll respondents want the Panthers to win. It might not be scientific or accurate, but it's the best we got! |
Arguments like these tend to persuade meOne Amherst local responds to her town allowing the Amherst Regional High School to stage a performance of the Vagina Monologues: "The girls who will be up there faking orgasms onstage wouldn't even be old enough to see When Harry Met Sally in the movie theater," fumes Amherst resident Larry Kelley, who read the play after he heard of the high school's plans."I'm undecided how I feel about this issue. Having never seen the play I can't judge how appropriate it would be for a teenage audience, but I think I'm leaning more towards calling "R" ratings overrated than I am opposing the play. (Link via Tim Graham in The Corner.) |
further proof that nuclear weapons aren't worth the troubleTokyo Metropolitan Assembly to enact legislation to outlaw the teen panty trade. |
best laugh I've had so far todayHipperCritical features the amazing Howard Dean Retraction Figure. Though, shouldn't he be known as the Howard Dean (will wait for the UN to take) Action Figure? |
'Tis a fine barn, but sure 'tis no pool, English.Please somebody make reality TV stop: LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- The UPN television network is preparing a reality series that follows Amish teenagers having their first experiences with modern conveniences and outside society, part of a religious rite of passage that tests their faith.We're just another step closer to Fox turning into a hardcore sex channel. |
re: InterestingBen Affleck explains why J.Lo isn't featured in the marketing of 'Jersey Girl': "Lopez has a cameo as the wife of Affleck's character, but she dies 12 minutes into the movie, Affleck said." |
Internationalization of IraqWe should let the French in the door because they've been so successful in their own backyard: PARIS (Reuters) - France's drive to better integrate its five million Muslims looked shaken Monday after a weekend of protests against a looming ban on Islamic veils and a bomb attack on the car of a senior public official of Muslim origin. |
Iowa PredictionsAnd the winner of the Iowa Caucuses will be ... John Edwards. Howard Dean will finish second, John Kerry third, and Gephardt dead last. Yes, Edwards doesn't have the organization that the others three have, but he has one big advantage over everybody else: nobody hates him. Within each caucus, a candidate needs 15% on the first vote to be pronounced "viable". Since many of the caucuses will have only thirty or forty people, what will definitely happen is that at least one candidate will be pronounced not viable within that caucus. If a candidate is not viable, his supporters will have to choose another guy. Now does anyone think that many Dean supporters will have Kerry as their second choice (or vice versa)? I don't think so. So even though Edwards won't get the plurality in the first vote, he'll probably pick up the most second choice votes. And that's how he wins. Why Gephardt will finish last: a year ago, he was polling at about 20%. He'll still polling at 20%. So in a full year of campaigning, he didn't pick up a single vote. This isn't a guy that people will settle for a second choice. ALSO Viking Pundit has a blogsphere roundup of predictions. And no, I won't be turning in my pundit badge for picking Edwards. |
thoughts while eating toastCan I get ESPN Deportes in HD? And, if not, does this constitute discrimination? |
It's better over thereA PREACHER who spoke out against the "sin" of homosexuality -- inflaming a Bournemouth crowd and sparking a furore over freedom of speech -- was rightly convicted of a public order offence, top judges have ruled. . . .(Link via Instapundit) |
I didn't vote for him eitherI guess there really is a blog for everything: Romney is a Fraud blog. Question for Ben: What does it really matter that Gary LaPierre does Boston news from Florida? If you had a choice, wouldn't you want to work from a sea side villa in FLA? It seems like a highly attractive proposition to me. |
Life imitates Friends episodeA week ago Michael Totten said he didn't like a Club for Growth ad that began, "Howard Dean should take his tax-hiking, government-expanding, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading ...". Well today I see that it's John Kerry who's been having too much sushi. On the campaign trail, Kerry accidentally referred to the Wahhabi Muslim fundamentalists as "wasabi". (Via Roger L. Simon) |
It's better over thereAnti-American tensions on the rise in France: Last September, Justine says she hit bottom: “I was shopping in a store near porte d'Orléans. At the check-out, I asked if I could pay by transferring money from the United States. The guy behind started shouting: 'I'm fed up with these Americans. Fuck Clinton. Fuck Bush and fuck you, too.' He was hysterical. Before leaving, he spat on me. I was so upset I started to cry.”Read more stories. (Link via Merde in France) |
Less Shame |
InterestingThere is no J.Lo on the official trailer site of Kevin Smith's "Jersey Girl." |
Finally you can laugh with PETAThis ad seems no more tasteless than your average beer ad: In a letter, CBS told PETA that it would not run advertisements on "controversial issues of public importance." |
One more to go![]() Manning finds Harrison in the end zone. Oops, wrong Harrison ... |
